Signature Dishes

Pescado al Gusto Sopa Seite Mares Mexican Trio
Steak Jalisco Pollo Culichi Camarones Huachil
Camarones al Mojo de Ajo Mi Mexico    

Vegetarian Dishes

We have a total of 8 dishes that already come vegetarian, the most popular being the Expresso Vegetarian Burrito. Additionally, most of our combinations and a number of our house specialties can be altered to accommodate vegetarian patrons. These include but are not limited to: tacos, enchiladas, tostadas, and we even offer vegetarian fajita platters. We cook nothing with pork lard, instead using 100% vegetable oil.

If you would like to see our menu, please click on the link below. The menu is in PDF and will require a viewer that supports the Adobe Reader format.

Click here to view our menu.